So, you want to teach English in Hong Kong

Living overseas is an experience like no other. No matter how long you're gone for, where you go, or who you go with, it's important to remember that life abroad is deeply personal. Especially for the first few months, aka the "honey moon" phase, you'll revel in the abundant differences between your homeland and the [...]

In Defense of Batman V Superman: How Warner Bros. Marketing Team Will Cost the Company Billions

This past weekend, the movie going public showed up in droves to witness Warner Bros. latest instalment in their long-gestating Justice League franchise. The studio had made every effort to market the superhero epic as a cage match, of sorts, between Henry Cavill's Superman and JLo's ex-boyfriend's Dark Knight. As I always do before heading to the [...]

No Competition for EA Sports

I have to confess to something: I'm the victim of a vicious addiction. I'm forced to satisfy this craving every night in the comfort of my own home, with my arms outstretched and my mind awash with euphoria. There's nothing like loosening your grip on reality, is there? Of course, I'm talking about my beloved Xbox 360. [...]

How the Film Industry Murdered Originality

If the impending fall television season has taught me anything, it's that people will watch ANYTHING. From The CW's "Supergirl," which looks like a sad attempt at meshing the popularity of superhero films with "The Devil Wears Prada," to "Heroes Reborn," NBC's attempt at recapturing the short-lived success of 2004's Hayden Panettiere vehicle of the same name—Hollywood seems [...]

Trump “Late Show” Host’s Best Interview Yet

Today, the world woke up to a few videos of Donald Trump's meet n' greet with the Great Stephen Colbert. The event was nothing short of monumental, as the right-wing billionaire was given a chance to discuss some pressing issues with a primarily liberal audience. You can watch snippets of the interview from Colbert's YouTube Channel. [...]

New Report Suggests Hangovers Aren’t a Myth

You know that friend who claims they've never had a hangover? You know—the same guy who keeps on about his immunity to pain, his inability to be rejected by women, and how all is co-workers JUST LOVE HIM? We all have friends that are chronic liars. And for a time, many thought I belonged to [...]

Fat Cats and Fatter Donations

Today, P.K. Subban of the Montreal Canadiens donated $10 million (?!) to the Montreal children's hospital. Make no mistake, that's a substantial contribution from a hockey player. (Yes, I understand that it'd be more of a commitment for a forklift driver) If, say, a baseball or basketball player were to make an equivalent donation to their [...]

Awkward Moments: That’s Not My Name

"Yeah, Gray...Like the colour." I say this at least once EVERY DAY. No, I'm not exaggerating. I deal with the public on a daily basis and am frequently introduced to kindly patrons wanting to exchange names. This is Canada and people are friendly. It gets awkward. "No, not Greg. Gray. Nope, Gary has two syllables. It's pronounced Ggggg-rrrr-eeeeeeeh. Dre? [...]

Roundabouts vs. Intersections; ‘Murica vs. Jolly Ol’

There's only one thing I hate more than physical pain: boredom. Like Sherlock Holmes, my darkest fear is being slowly bored to death by a mid-season baseball game, or a rehearsal of the musical West Side Story by a group of overly confident amateurs. Which explains why I despite sitting in traffic with the vitriolic hatred of a thousand [...]

Humanity vs. Stress

Before I start, I'd like to acknowledge a few things. I realize that I'm incredibly lucky to live in a first-world nation with a developed economy (Canada). Yes, I'm considered middle-class. Which is actually pretty damn awesome...check out how 98% of my fellow humans live and try and say my situation doesn't ROCK. I'm from an [...]