Same Old Controversy: American Gun Control

In case nothing jumped off the page while you were scanning Google News today, there was another mass shooting in the U.S. This time in Oregon, a state known for it's liberal tendencies. I know, nothing new or interesting here. Shootings in America have become so commonplace, so old hat, so expected, they're receiving the [...]

Trump “Late Show” Host’s Best Interview Yet

Today, the world woke up to a few videos of Donald Trump's meet n' greet with the Great Stephen Colbert. The event was nothing short of monumental, as the right-wing billionaire was given a chance to discuss some pressing issues with a primarily liberal audience. You can watch snippets of the interview from Colbert's YouTube Channel. [...]

Fat Cats and Fatter Donations

Today, P.K. Subban of the Montreal Canadiens donated $10 million (?!) to the Montreal children's hospital. Make no mistake, that's a substantial contribution from a hockey player. (Yes, I understand that it'd be more of a commitment for a forklift driver) If, say, a baseball or basketball player were to make an equivalent donation to their [...]

Why Everyone Should Miss Jon Stewart

This past week, a comedic great left our TVs, laptops, iPhones, iPads, Kindles, GameBoys and everything else people own that has a screen. Which is sad, because he lit all of 'em up. The New Jersey native redefined the comedic genre when he took over for Craig Kilborn as Daily Show host in 1999, mastering a [...]

Why Star Wars VII Equals $$$

With post-production of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens entering it's final editing phase, director J.J. Abrams' continuation of the incredibly popular sci-fi series recently found another reason to smile. If Comic-Con was indication enough, fans are foaming at the mouths to catch a glimpse of franchise favourites like Han, Luke and Chewie on the big screen [...]

Trump ’16-It Could Happen

Was it really only 11 years ago that Donald Trump hosted Saturday Night Live? In one famous sketch on the April 3rd broadcast, The Apprentice star appeared on a parody of Regis & Kelly (Darrell Hammond & Amy Poehler) to plug his new book. In it, he jokes about how the mere presence of his face on any network significantly [...]