Without a Smart Phone in 2015

Phones have become larger than life. Not literally, of course. They're typically very small and can be easily crushed with almost anything you'd find lying around the house. But what they can DO is remarkable. Anyone from 2 to 99 years-of-age can pick up an iPhone, press that friendly home button and instantly communicate with the world [...]

Learn Languages with Duolingo

I'll be honest, grade 11 French wasn't my forte. At the tender age of 16 I had placed a cheat sheet on the ground beneath my desk for...nefarious purposes. The list fed me an array of verb conjugations that my hormone-laced mind would never be able to memorize without the help of Mr. Miyagi. As [...]

Social Media, Attention Whoring and Selfie Sticks

It's no secret that the internet has changed the way humans interact with each other. Nowadays, children attend school with the omnipresent and inescapable reality that everything they do can and will be archived in an online database. Phones have become cheaper than food in many third world countries, which presents a horde of complications—on a [...]