The Golden Mile

Have you ever seen The World's End with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost? It's a hilarious movie part of the Cornetto trilogy—a random title given to a series of films also including Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Anyway, the plot of the film is relatively simple. In small town England, five men return to their childhood home which is famous [...]

“Son, did I ever tell you about the time I lifted a house?”

A few months back I went job hunting. Having just returned from a trip to England, I was broke. I updated my resume and printed off a few copies '90's style—at the library. Trying to figure out what sorta job I wanted was tough. I'm a relatively physical guy who likes to move around while I [...]

Yesterday at the Bank…

I work at a bar, right? Over the past two months I've been collecting my tips and putting them unknown location in my room. After lying awake at 4, waiting for sleep, I switched on the light and counted it up. After 63 days of employment, I'd earned X amount. X!!!! Dope as hell, right? [...]

Tequila Shots in the Dominican: A Coming-of-Age Tale

In the June of 2009 my friends and I were to be released from the confines of high school through the magical process of 'graduation'. It being our final year in public school we decided to go on a grad trip. The Destination The plan was to fly hundreds of teenagers across Canada to a country that [...]